Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mattli rajula fort | Siddhavatam fort | Architectural marvels in Kadapa | Penna river

Siddhavatam is a Mandal headquarters in Kadapa district, which is located at 25 kms from Kadapa city. There is an Architectural marvel known as Mattlirajula Fort or Siddhavatam Fort. Very beautiful sculptures and marvellous construction one can see in this fort. 

The fort was built by Mattliraja built in 1303 A.D. This fort was built on the banks of Pennar river (which is major river flowing in Kadapa and Nellore districts). The great Vijayanagar ruler Sri Krishnadevaraya's nephew Vadaraju ruling this fort under his dynasty. Later on this fort came under the control of Hyderabad nawab from there it went into British took over it. 

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There is a secret passage where the Queen goes thru the passage and the passage is directly connected to the bank of the river. One of the unique passage which built in the fort. 

Pennariver a major river in Kadapa district, where the siddhavatam is located on the bank of penna river.

The near by places are Ranganatha swamy temple, Jyothi temples, Nithyapooja Kona, River View on the bank of Penna. 

How to reach
From Kadapa, there are frequent buses to Siddhavatam place or you can take a bus which is going to Badvel or Nellore (via badvel) from Kadapa. Hardly it took 40 minutes of journey in bus.

If you are travelling by own vehicle, head towards Tirupati road for 15 kms then you will reach to Bhakarapet, from there take a left turn travel for 10 kms to reach to Siddhavatam where you will come across a Pennar river also.  Bus inquiry can get from here.

1 comment:

  1. Great info. Lucky me I found your site by accident (stumbleupon). I have saved it for later! gmail email login
